Office of the Superintendent of Schools
Office of Academics
Acceptance Of Board Monitoring Update: Presentation Of Goals 3 And 4
The Houston Independent School District (HISD) exists to strengthen the social and economic foundation of Houston by assuring its youth the highest-quality elementary and secondary education available anywhere.
In accordance with the Texas Education Agency (TEA) Lone Star Governance continuous improvement model and the Framework for School Board Development, the HISD School Board monitors progress towards the district's goals and compliance with certain goals and constraints.
Attached to this update is a report regarding goals and goal progress measures (GPMs). The following measures have new data this month:
Goal 3: The percentage of students graduating Texas Success Initiative (TSI)-ready and with an industry-based certification (IBC) will increase from 11 percent for the 2021-2022 graduates to 26 percent for the 2026-2027 graduates.
Goal 4: Students in grades 4 through 8 who receive special education services that achieve growth as measured by Domain 2 Part A of the state accountability system will increase from 63 percent in August 2023 to 78 percent in August 2028.